Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fabulous Pictures

My mentor, my inspiration Dr. Christiane Northrup- best selling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause, here we are at the REVEAL conference, where I presented. Dr.Northrup provided a generous quote for my book.

Dr. Mehmet Oz and I on the set of his show after my 2nd appearance as a nutritionist and motivator. Dr. Oz labeled me a "fitness & nutrition powerhouse".

Latham Thomas & dear friend best selling author of Crazy, Sexy, Diet- Kris Carr. Kris calls me the Mama Glow Guru! She provided a wonderful quote for my book cover.

Christy Turlington-Burns, model, mother, activist, maternal care advocate- founder of Every Mother Counts and director of No Woman, No Cry. Christy and I are passionate about women having empowering, safe, and quality care along their birth journey.

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