Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Choices in Childbirth benefit honoring Dr. Northrup & Christy Turlington-Burns

Pam Kirkbride and I have the pleasure of covering the Choices in Childbirth benefit hosted by Ricki Lake and honoring Dr.Christiane Northrup & Christy Turlington-Burns. It was wonderful to see Dr.Northrup speak with such poise about her work in women's wellness and have Christy Turlington-Burns share the awareness that her work in maternal health is teaching her, with the debut of her film on the OWN network "NO Woman, NO Cry" is receiving rave reviews. Dr. Northrup's best selling book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom is my BIBLE! A new version of it was released just this May with all sorts of juicy updates. Please see the video above and the following links for more information about women's options in reproductive wellness, maternal care, birth options, and pleasure exploration.

Choices in Childbirth
Every Mother Counts
Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts
Dr. Christiane Northrup

To see the trailer for Christy's film: CLICK HERE

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