Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dive into the Promise of YOU! with Laurie Gerber of the Handel Group

Greetings everyone,

This is a gentle reminder to encourage you to take advantage of this amazing offer to attend an inspiring teleconference with life coach Laurie Gerber, President of Handel Group. The interesting story behind the Handel Group is that founder Lauren Zander was my next door neighbor back in 2003 and little did I know she was cooking up a movement in helping people take full responsibility for their lives and empowering from within.
I'm pleased to be offering you a discount! Enter promo code "Thomas" you can save 50% so it's 10 bucks and really worth the investment!
You click the link below you can hear an audio clip and register online as well.
Laurie Gerber will lead this hour-long exploration into aligning our heart, mind and body.

Monday, May 16th from 8:30-9:30pm

Please check it out!,

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