Friday, June 12, 2009

Prenatal Yoga moms Pamper Each other

At the end of each class I teach I always build in time for final relaxation. During this time using essential oil blends I lightly massage the face and anoint the temples, and sinuses or massage the hands using lavender aromatherapy lotion. This week I had the mommies from Om Factory Mama Yoga class apply that same loving technique to one another. It was interesting watching them as they chatted and laughed, smiled, and bonded. Each of them could relax and depend on the others to take care of her, that with each gentle touch they were sending her and her baby, peace and light. Touch is healing. Place loving hands on someone today and offer a gesture of warmth with your touch.
To learn more healing touch techniques join me at Jurlique Skin Care on July 8, 2009 for an Evening of Wellness. To RSVP- email:

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