Monday, April 20, 2009

Tender Shoots Wellness-Launches New Service- Preconceptual Detox

Greetings Friends,

You are among the first to learn about a new service Tender Shoots Wellness is launching; Preconceptual Detox! When you are thinking about pregnancy and wanting to cleanse beforehand, its a nice idea to have your partner involved. Your baby is made up of you, so if you are eating well, exercising, getting adequate rest, maintaining low stress levels- all of these things make solid building blocks for a growing fetus. We live in a toxic environment and its nice to clear out the "not-so-good" things that are harboring our systems, these include even negative thoughts. 

A great way to prepare your mind and body for pregnancy is to undergo a detox beforehand. Tender Shoots Wellness is offering a couple's detox program that will gently clear your body of unwanted toxins, and provide you with action steps for post cleanse maintenance, daily support, as well as customized menus, herbal support, and aromatherapy. Couples will receive a book/guide that they will follow as they move through the cleanse and practitioner referrals- including acupuncture, massage therapy, and colon hydrotherapy. 

Post Detox results include: Clear eyes, improved complexion, better sleep, more energy, mental clarity, weight loss, more efficient elimination.

This cleanse is designed for couples and can be completed alone or with a close friend.
For more information please visit: Tender Shoots Wellness  or email:

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